4-H and Save-On-Foods
The Provincial 4-H Organizations in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are proud to partner with Western Canada’s largest grocery retailer, Save-On-Foods! Throughout this exciting partnership, Save-On-Foods will support 4-H in these provinces through a variety of funding, engagement, and activation opportunities. The 4-H program is one of Canada’s leading youth organizations, committed to developing youth, who are empowered leaders, with the skills to make positive changes in their communities.
4-H in the Western Provinces has hundreds of clubs registered and holds a combined membership of more than 13,000 members in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
What is 4H?
4-H is an international youth and volunteer organization. It’s a program that provides members with the resources and activities to build self-confidence, communication, and leadership skills while learning about a topic of their choice. Each member picks a project and works with a volunteer leader to develop their skills related to the project of choice. Beyond projects there are also club activities, provincial events and travel opportunities where members can meet new people, build friendships and have fun!
For more than 100 years, 4-H has been one of the most highly respected positive youth development organizations in the country. 4h believes in nurturing responsible, caring and contributing leaders who are committed to positively impacting their communities. The four H’s represent our core values: Head: managing, thinking Heart: relating, caring Hands: giving, working Health: being, living.
One of the world’s largest youth organizations, 4-H can be found in more than 70 countries across the globe. 4-H in Canada has more than 23,500 members and 7,800 volunteers. Together with partners 4H offers innovative, youth-centred programs that provide meaningful, positive experiences designed to build confidence, positive self-identity, self-esteem, and a sense of achievement.
Check it out: https://4-h-canada.ca/about
Find What you’re Looking For In 4H!
HELP YOUR KIDS BE GREAT: 4-H provides a strong foundation of leadership and skill development to help your kids succeed in everything that they do. Nudging kids out of their comfort zones by encouraging them to try and practice new things in a safe, low-pressure environment, builds confidence.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: Kids who have a chance to polish their communications’ skills make confident and passionate leaders. Your children will thank you when they excel in school and workplace presentations or at a future job interview.
BELONG TO A GROUP: A sense of belonging builds self-worth within a child. 4-H is an organization to which kids can belong without tryouts or auditions, and feel valued by their fellow members and leaders of all ages.
TECHNICAL SKILLS:4-Hers learn a variety of skills in a self-directed learning environment. Projects such as cooking, photography, sewing, woodworking, outdoor living and animals lead to hobbies, unique life experiences and a varied skill set.
RESPONSIBILITY AND SELF-GOVERNANCE: Parents are welcome in all aspects of 4-H but it’s the kids who make decisions for the club. They run meetings, vote on motions, plan events and lead the group. 4-Hers learn the importance of completing a task, taking responsibility for their decisions and dealing with problems head-on. It sets them up to run the farm, a business, or even the country!
COMMUNITY SERVICE: 4-Hers make the world a better place. Kids who learn about community service at a young age are more likely to continue to contribute as adults.
FAMILY TIME: Life is busy. 4-H gives your family the opportunity to interact in a positive way to achieve a common goal. While your kids are having fun at club activities, you can spend time with them by providing guidance or leading a project.
BE PART OF A TEAM: Do projects with your friends and work together to make a difference in your community!
BE THE BOSS: In 4-H, you’re in charge of your own destiny and help shape your club. You can run meetings, vote to decide club activities, keep track of the club’s money, or plan club parties. Maybe you’ll even become Club President!
4-Hers like to make things fun! When you’re surrounded by cool people working together, whatever you’re doing will be a good time!
4-H British Columbia: https://www.4hbc.ca/contact
4-H Alberta: https://www.4hab.com/
4-H Manitoba: https://4h.mb.ca/about-4h/
4-H Sask: https://www.4-h.sk.ca/