Peach and Prosciutto Skillet Flatbread

July 15, 2020

One of my favorite fruits to cook with is peaches.  Why?  Because depending on how you cook them and what you cook them with you can extract so many different flavors, textures and even colors.  For example, I put peaches in a pasta dish to add some sweetness that cuts through the savory fats of butter or pork, while brandy-soaked peaches really amp up a cake and give it an even richer aroma.

And when it comes to flatbread, peaches are one of my go-to toppings.  Add in some barrata or buffalo mozzarella for that all-important cheese and some prosciutto to give the flatbread some salt and you are in heaven.

Check out this easy to make flatbread recipe below and take a tip from me: peaches can be used in a variety of ways to make your next dish even better than you imagined. Added bonus: This flatbread is made in a hot cast iron skillet which will give you a delicious crispy/bubbly crust.

Peach and Prosciutto Skillet Flatbread


For the dough

  • 1 1/3 cup of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons of active dry yeast
  • 3-4 cups of all purpose or bread flour
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Two teaspoons salt

For the toppings

  • Two peaches (pitted and sliced into wedges)
  • Two tablespoons of pesto
  • 6-8 slices of prosciutto
  • 1 ball of buffalo mozzarella
  • 1 cup of arugula
  • Balsamic reduction – to drizzle


In a bowl or stand mixer add warm water, sugar and yeast.  Allow to sit until yeast is foamy (about 10 minutes). Add 2 cups of flour, olive oil and salt. Using the kneading paddle, or with a mixing spoon, begin to incorporate until It forms a sticky dough. Continue to add flour and knead until dough is slightly tacky and smooth.  Grease bowl and cover with a dish towel or saran wrap and allow to rest until double in size (about an hour).   Dough can be made in advance and kept in a airtight container in the fridge (tastes even better when it sits for a couple days).

Preheat oven to highest setting (anywhere from 450 + degree Fahrenheit). Place cast iron skillet in the oven to heat up.

Punch dough down and divide into 2-3 balls (depending on size of cast iron skillet) Roll out to desired thickness (about ¼ inch thick for thin crust).

Carefully remove hot cast iron from oven and place dough in the skillet.  Using a spoon, cover dough with pesto and place in oven for approximately 5-7 minutes or until the dough begins to turn golden brown.  Remove from oven and place peaches and chunks of mozzarella evening on the dough.  Place back into the oven until cheese melts and starts to turn light brown.

Remove from oven and top flatbread with prosciutto, arugula and a drizzle of balsamic.



About The Author

Thea Van Herwaarden is a Vancouver-based food blogger and on-air talent known worldwide. She has appeared on both Canadian and American television, acted as a national campaign spokesperson for major lifestyle chains, and serves currently as a brand ambassador for a wide range of food and home brands. In 2017, her skills in the kitchen landed her in the “Top 2” spot on Master Chef Canada. Following that, her version of a nduja ricotta tortellini made it on the menu of Jamie Oliver’s restaurant, Jamie Italian. Thea has since then launched her own brand, Théasty, where she showcases global tastes and travel, national and international restaurants and recipes, as well as lifestyle tips. All of this is shared with her loyal 19K followers on Instagram, and on her blog.

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